
Global Leadership Foundation provides leaders with unique opportunities to visit remote locations in order to explore, reflect on and gain new insight and perspectives about themselves, others and their impact on the world around them.

How does this happen?

During these leadership experiences, participants have time to critically and thoughtfully look at themselves and uncover ways in which they can evolve their leadership practice and make a difference to others.

This is achieved through completing a personal leadership challenge or by connecting with other leaders through environmental and socially sustainable projects.

Throughout the journey, whether its before, during or after the trip, leaders are supported and coached by the Global Leadership Foundation’s fellows, who help the leaders translate their experiences into positive developments in their professional and personal lives.

New horizons

Why do we choose remote locations? Firstly, we believe this helps leaders see the horizon, both literally and metaphorically. All the places where we hold our Leadership Experiences, from the South Australian outback to the middle of the Pacific Ocean, have one thing in common: an abundance of horizon. Wherever we stand, we can see the curvature of the earth as land or sea dip away from us in the distance. Visiting these places in a leadership development context broadens the awareness of our participants, just as the land or seascape opens the sky. As they can see more of the world, they can also see more of themselves.

Another reason for visiting isolated locations is that we find it’s the quickest way to help leaders find clarity of thought and to balance their three thinking ‘centres’: the head, the heart and instinct (gut). Being detached from familiar surrounds provides insight and perspective, enabling leaders to return home with a much clearer focus and understanding of their leadership role and what is important to them.

We also use these experiences as an opportunity to bring benefits to the communities we visit. Through our work we endeavour to make a sustainable difference and contribute directly to the community’s livelihood.